

Last Updated: April 2020

This site (www.sharpconsumer.com) , like many others,uses small files called cookies to help us find out more about how visitors are using our site and, in some cases, customise or optimise their experience. This policy outlines what cookies we capture and why, and what you can do to control them. You may change the settings of your browser to modify the permissions you give to us and third parties for the storing of and gaining access to cookies on your device.

How Can I Control Cookies?

You can control how cookies are used via your internet browser. You can usually find these settings in the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu of your browser. To understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, or you can use the ‘Help’ option in your browser for more details.

When you first visit this Sharp website you will be presented with a banner to consent to different types of cookies. You can change these preferences at any time in our Preference Centre

You can also control how cookies are used via your internet browser.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari web and iOS

You can also:

Find out more information About Cookies

Access our website using an anonymous/ incognito browser window

Object to the collection of data by Google Analytics

Read Google’s Privacy Policy

Privacy Settings

This site uses third-party website tracking technologies to provide and continually improve our services, and to display advertisements according to user\'s interests. I agree and may revoke or change my consent at any time with effect for the future.

Privacy Settings

Enable/disable cookies by their category.